Park Street

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Park Street begins in Court Square and travels north through North Downtown until the border with Albemarle County, at which point it becomes East Rio Road.

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The city claims the road is named for what is now Pen Park[1].

Other sources claim the road is named for Park Mill[2].

Traffic calming

At the turn of the 21st century, members of the Park Street neighborhood began to ask the city to install stop signs to slow the flow of traffic on Park Street.

The Board of Architectural Review had a work session on May 16, 2000 that covered the project. At this meeting, city landscape architect Heidi Misslbeck, "indicated that one of the main considerations for traffic calming is having a heavy element at the start of every bulb-out, to make it easier for the cars to see it." As of that meeting, only five spaces were to have been removed for the effort. One BAR member, W.G. Clark, expressed concern that stop signs were not included and asked why. [3]

One of the accomplishments in 2001 was a traffic calming effort. [4]


  1. Web. Pen Park, City of Charlottesville, retrieved 28 Sep 2009.
  2. Web. Ask Ace: Tee to tomb, What's up with that cemetery?, C-ville Weekly, Issue #21.16 :: 04/21/2009, retrieved 28 Sep 2009.
  3. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, June 21, 2004.
  4. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, October 2, 2001.