Botanical Garden of the Piedmont

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The McIntire Botanical Garden is a non-profit organization that advocates the construction of a botanical garden in the eastern half of McIntire Park.[1][2]

Board of Directors

Other Volunteers

Planning Process

According to the City of Charlottesville's Website, there have been two public meetings so far about the design of the garden. The last one was on September 3rd, 2014. Closed meetings have continued since then between McIntire Botanical Garden's and City Staff.

Draft Memorandum of Understanding

On January 27th, City Staff drafted a memorandum of understanding which would guide the formal relationship between McIntire Botanical Garden and the City of Charlottesville.

File:MBG DRAFT MOU - MCINTIRE PARK January 2015.pdf

Other botanical garden proposals

Charlottesville Botanical Garden is a competing non-profit organization with similar goals. At a McIntire Botanical Garden meeting held Aug. 28 2008, Lonnie Murray, a representative of that group, said he would be willing to merge the two groups[3].


External links