List of Charlottesville neighborhoods

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For planning purposes, the Charlottesville is divided into 18 neighborhoods by the Department of Neighborhood Development Services[1]. Within and among each of these neighborhoods, many vernacular names (a.k.a. colloquial) are used for neighborhoods as well.

City-designated neighborhoods

Map of city-designated neighborhoods
Map of city-designated neighborhoods, c. 2011

The City of Charlottesville's Department of Neighborhood Development Services designated 19 Neighborhoods (Planning Areas) in the city: [2]

  1. 10th & Page
  2. Barracks/Rugby
  3. Barracks Road
  4. Belmont-Carlton
  5. Fifeville
  6. Fry's Spring
  7. Greenbrier
  8. Jefferson Park Avenue
  9. Johnson Village
  10. Lewis Mountain
  11. Locust Grove
  12. Martha Jefferson
  13. The Meadows
  14. North Downtown
  15. Ridge Street
  16. Rose Hill
  17. Starr Hill
  18. Venable
  19. Woolen Mills

List of neighborhoods

Polling Places, September 26, 2023
Ward Pct # Precinct Name [3] City-designated neighborhood areas Subdivisions and neighborhoods covered Population


Locator map
301 1 Jackson-Via Fry's Spring
303 2 Burford Fifeville Orangedale, Forest Hills
102 3 Clark Belmont-Carlton
101 4 Key Rec. Locust Grove, North Downtown Friendship Court
401 5 CHS Locust Grove, Greenbrier
402 6 Walker Ridge Street, Venable, The Meadows, Barracks/Rugby Meadowbrook Hills
302 7 Johnson Johnson Village Johnson Village
201 8 Carver Starr Hill
202 9 Venable Venable, Lewis Mountain

Each ward of the city shall constitute two (2) election precincts, as defined in the Charlottesville City Code Secs. 9-2—9-25, except in the third ward, which shall constitute three (3) election precincts.[1]

Neighborhoods with associations

The city recognizes other neighborhoods that have neighborhood associations[4]

Neighborhoods with representatives

City of Charlottesville Neighborhood Representatives List, as of May 20, 2021. [5]

  1. Belmont-Carlton Neighborhood Association
  2. Burnett Commons
  3. Fifeville Neighborhood Association
  4. Forest Hills Neighborhood Watch Association
  5. Friendship Court Resident’s Association
  6. Fry’s Spring Neighborhood Association
  7. Greenbrier Neighborhood Association
  8. Greenleaf/Rugby Hills Neighborhood Association
  9. Johnson Village Neighborhood Association
  10. Kellytown Neighborhood Association
  11. Lewis Mountain Neighborhood Association
  12. Little High Neighborhood Association
  13. Locust Grove Neighborhood Association
  14. Martha Jefferson Neighborhood Association
  15. Meadows (Northerly Neighborhood Association)
  16. Meadowbrook Hills/Rugby Neighborhood Association
  17. North Downtown Residents Association
  18. Orangedale Neighborhood Association
  19. Ridge Street Neighborhood Association
  20. Robinson Woods Homeowners Association
  21. Rose Hill Neighborhood Association
  22. Starr Hill Neighborhood Association
  23. University Neighborhood Association
  24. Venable Neighborhood Association
  25. Westhaven Tenants Association
  26. Willoughby Property Owners’ Association
  27. Woolen Mills Neighborhood Association
  28. 10th/Page Neighborhood Association

Other neighborhoods

Some of these neighborhoods are still in existence, but were given new names. Others, like Vinegar Hill, were demolished and rebuilt over time.[6]

Historic Districts

Refer to Historic districts category for additional information related to history of individual neighborhoods.

External links
