Agency Budget Review Team

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The Agency Budget Review Team (A.B.R.T. or ABRT) was established in 1991 to create an objective process for reviewing nonprofit applications for local government funding for Albemarle County and Charlottesville. Charlottesville Council stopped participating beginning with the development of the FY2020 budget in favor of their own process known as the Vibrant Community Fund. [1]

When the joint process was utilized, the ABRT comprised of a sixteen (16) member team tasked by the Charlottesville and Albemarle to review community agency program funding requests to the City and County governments. They provided ratings recommendations to the Charlottesville City Manager and Albemarle County Executive, whose offices make the ultimate funding recommendations to Charlottesville City Council and the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors during the development of budgets each year.

The Agency Budget Review Team (ABRT) reviewed applications for funding from community organizations and then recommended funding levels to both communities. When the City Council reviewed the recommended annual budget, they would hold a public work session on whether to follow the ABRT’s recommendations.

Funding decisions are ultimately up to the Charlottesville City Council and the county Board of Supervisors.

Timeline for reform that lead to city/county split

Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 ABRT Team Members

  1. Pete Armetta
  2. Kendall Bills
  3. Elizabeth Breeden
  4. Kaki Dimock
  5. Kristen Fisher
  6. John Freeman
  7. Holly Hatcher
  8. Brian Hunt
  9. Barbara Hutchinson
  10. Kirby Hutto
  11. Sarah McLean
  12. Heather Meixler
  13. Mike Murphy
  14. Kelli Palmer
  15. Lindsay Terrell
  16. Maurice Walker

FY2018 Staff Members

City staff serve as the grant managers for the ABRT process, including issuing the application, facilitating orientation and ABRT trainings, providing technical assistance to applicant agencies, organizing and staffing Team meetings, and preparing the annual Agency Budget Review Team Report, released in February. [citation needed]

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Former ABRT Team Members

Former ABRT Staff Members


  1. Web. Vibrant Community Fund, News Article, City of Charlottesville, retrieved April 4, 2021.
  2. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 16, 2018.
  3. Web. Albemarle won't join city's nonprofit funding review, Allison Wrabel, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, August 8, 2018, retrieved April 8, 2021.