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← 1874 Janus.jpg This article is about the year 1875
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1876 →


  • July 1 – To commemorate the University of Virginia’s first 50 years, alumni gathered for a celebratory lunch at Hotel A on West Range.
  • A concessionaire named Massie leased Hotel A at the University of Virginia. He provided students with meals, firewood, cleaning services, and a portable tub and hot water once a week for bathing. The building would later be known as “Massie’s Hotel”.
  • September 28 – The council of the Town of Charlottesville held a special meeting this Tuesday evening to elect a replacement for Mayor Cochran who died in office the previous Wednesday. President of the Council R. F. Harris was unanimously elected mayor.



  • September 22William L. Cochran, esq., for six years past Mayor of Charlottesville, died this Wednesday evening at the age of 37. He had been ill for about two weeks.[1]




  1. Alexandria gazette. (Alexandria, D.C.), 24 Sept. 1875. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1875-09-24/ed-1/seq-2/>

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