William Atwood

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Bill Atwood

William H. Atwood is the founder, owner and principle-in-charge of Atwood Architects. He received a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Arts in Architecture from the University of Florida in 1972[1].

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Atwood served at least one term on the Charlottesville School Board from July 1991 to June 30, 1994. [2]

Atwood was president of the Charlottesville Downtown Foundation in July 1991. [3]



  1. Atwood Architects. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. <http://www.atwoodarchitects.com/>
  2. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, June 13, 1991.
  3. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, July 15, 1991.

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