United Daughters of the Confederacy

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The United Daughters of the Confederacy is an nationwide organization comprised of descendants of Civil War soldiers that pursues the preservation of Civil War relics and history.

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Virginia Division


Position Name Contact
President Suzanne Townsend, Jr. dj88fan@comcast.net
Vice President Suzie Snyder suzienotes@aol.com
Second Vice President Barbara Joyner bobbielou-udc@comcast.net
Third Vice President Robin King rdk99@comcast.net
Recording Secretary Janice Jones president@kinggeorgechaper1616.com
Treasurer Sandy Wright varebel@embarqmail.com
Registrar Hilda Bradberry hbradberry@juno.com
Assistant Registrar Brenda Beeton mrsbee518@yahoo.com
Historian Deborah Lundeen dixygirl@aol.com
Recorder of Military Service Awards Betsy Spencer 36vainf@verizon.net
Custodian Sherry Greshamer sgreshamer@cox.net
Corresponding Secretary Lois Bailey lbaileylow@comcast.net

External Links

Main Site

Virginia Division