US-29-Hydraulic-250 Bypass Intersections Study

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The US-29-Hydraulic-250 Bypass Intersections Study, also known as 29/H/250, was conducted by a staff team from the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission and Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization, Virginia Department of Transportation, Charlottesville, and Albemarle County, with a goal to develop specific intersection design concepts that address vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit movement for improved mobility, safety, and development opportunities within the US-29, Hydraulic, and 250-Bypass area, while protecting existing tax base, businesses, neighborhoods, and employment[1].

The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I was completed in May 2003. A draft of Phase II was released in September 2004.


The major traffic improvements recommendations include a grade-separated intersection at 29 and Hydraulic Road, constructed with roundabouts at the end of the off-ramps for optimum traffic control[1].

Phase II recommendations

The study recommended that the community improve U.S. 29 to better serve regional trips by changing the character of Hydraulic Road between U.S. and the U.S. 250 bypass. Specific project recommendations included: [2]

  • Improving the US-29/US-250 Bypass interchange by adding a lane to the southbound to westbound on-ramp (aka the "Best Buy Ramp" project)
  • Adding an auxiliary lane on the US-250 Bypass westerly to the Barracks Road interchange (aka the "Best Buy Ramp" project)
  • Widening U.S. 29 to four lanes between Hydraulic Road and U.S. 29 intersection
  • Construction of Hillsdale Road Extended from Hydraulic to Greenbrier Road as well as Hydraulic to Holiday Road (near Aberdeen Steak House)
  • Maintain right-in/right-out access at intersection of U.S. 250 bypass and Rugby Road
  • Install landscaped median on Hydraulic Road and replace traffic signals with roundabouts
  • Grade-separated interchange at Hydraulic Road and U.S. 29


The Charlottesville City Council unanimously approved the study's Phase I recommendations on May 5, 2003 after having it discussed on April 21, 2003. [3] [4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 US-29-Hydraulic-250 Bypass Intersections Study, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, May 2003, retrieved 3 Aug 2009.
  2. Web. US-29-Hydraulic-250 Bypass Intersections Study, Phase II report, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, September 15, 2004, retrieved July 22, 2011.
  3. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, April 21, 2003.
  4. City Council Minutes, 5 May 2003 City of Charlottesville. Retrieved 30 Mar 2009.


Full report