Robert Humphris

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Robert Rives Humphris (1928-2019) served for more than 30 years on the Albemarle County Service Authority's Board of Directors before stepping down at the end of 2008. [1]

He was also active with the Charlottesville-Albemarle Transportation Coalition, Inc. and was part of a campaign to halt construction of the Western Bypass He was the widower of the late Charlotte Y. Humphris.

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Humphris was born in Lexington, Virginia. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1946 and 1948 with service aboard the USS Portsmouth. He earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Virginia in 1952. After graduation, he and his wife Charlotte moved to New Mexico for a two-year stint with Sandia Laboratories. They returned to Charlottesville in 1954 where Mr. Humprhis earned master's and doctoral degrees.

Humphris served on the Charlottesville School Board in the 1960's. He served on the ACSA Board from 1978 to 2009. He was a member of the groups Albemarle County Taxpayers, Citizens for Albemarle and CATCO. [2]


  1. Web. Mr. Robert Humphris, Gary Fern, Albemarle County Service Authority, retrieved November 24, 2019.
  2. Web. Humphris, Robert R., Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, November 24, 2019, retrieved November 24, 2019. Print. November 24, 2019 page A9.

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