North Charlottesville Business Council

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The North Charlottesville Business Council (NCBC) is a former subsidiary of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce founded in 1993 to represent the interests of businesses along the U.S. 29 corridor during the time that there was active debate on the Western Bypass.

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"The North Charlottesville Business Council (NCBC) was organized as a council of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce in 1993 to promote desirable growth and development within the US29 corridor area by fostering a constructive business environment in which to accomplish its goals of prosperity, expansion, and development. The NCBC, with more than 70 member enterprises, strives to further the business success of its membership and enhance the civic, general welfare, and the quality of life the area." [3] [citation needed]



  1. Web. NCBC members hear more on grade-separated intersections on U.S. 29, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 27, 2007, retrieved May 13, 2024.
  2. Web. Transportation Secretary Connaughton addresses area business leaders, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, June 27, 2012, retrieved July 20, 2024.
  3. Wood, Lloyd F. "NCBC letter on efficiency and safety of US Route 29." Letter to Virginia Secretary of Transportation Piece Homer. 1 May 2009. North Charlottesville Business Council, Charlottesville, VA.