Michie Publishing Company

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Michie Publishing Company
Type legal publishing firm with headquarters in Charlottesville, Va.

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Michie Publishing Company

The Michie Publishing Company was the name of a legal publishing firm with headquarters in Charlottesville, Va. Founded in 1896, the company published annotated state statutes, state agency publications and other reference publications used by the legal profession.

In 1896, the three sons of Henry B. Michie and Virginia Bedinger, Thomas Johnson Michie, George R. B. Michie and Armistead R. Michie, founded the Michie Publishing Company, of which they were president, treasurer and secretary, respectively. [1]

Now known as LexisNexis, the Michie Publishing Company published regulatory materials, treatises, state statutes and other legal reference books. In the 1980's, its editorial staff employed more than 400 men and women, primarily in the Charlottesville area.

On December 30, 1988, Mead Corp. completed the acquisition of The Michie Co. from Macmillan, Inc. for $226.5 million, in a deal involving $61 million in cash and a $165.5 million note payable in 1998. The subsidiary's LEXIS and NEXIS services provide legal, news, business and general information to more than 200,000 users in the United States and overseas.[2]


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