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Keene is an unincorporated community in Albemarle County located near the intersection of Route 20, Plank Road (Route 712) and Esmont Road (Route 6). Nearby historic sites of siginficance include Teddy Roosevelt's historic retreat, Pine Knot, and Estouteville.

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Opposition to firing range

The Albemarle County Police Department sought to build a 1.5 million outdoor firing range[1], which was approved by the board of directors in 2012[2]. They wanted to build it outside to get past Occupational Safety & Hazard Administration regulations and to ensure officers can stay on a consistent training schedule. Neighbors and the Piedmont Environmental Council were opposed because the land is in the county's rural area.[3] It is now called the Regional Public Safety Firearms Training Center and was open as of March 2021.[4]

Coordinates:Erioll world.svg.png 37°51′55″N 78°33′19″W / 37.865142°N 78.55529°W / 37.865142; -78.55529


  1. Web. Planning Commission Considers Firing Range for Police Training, Carter Johnson, Charlottesville Newsplex, April 3, 2012, retrieved April 20, 2012.
  2. Web. Albemarle County approves new police training facility despite neighborhood opposition, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, Nov 13, 2012, retrieved Mar 16, 2021.
  3. Web. City, county reiterate support of Keene shooting range, Aaron Richardson, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, November 10, 2012, retrieved November 29, 2012.

External links

Keene on wikipedia