Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church

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Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church, (also called Hinton Avenue UMC) opened in 1909 and has provided a house of worship in the Belmont-Carlton neighborhood since then. [1]The church is located at 750 Hinton Avenue. The Hinton Avenue UMC congregation has remained active since 1909.

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According to the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form nominating the North Belmont Neighborhood Historic District:

The oldest church in the neighborhood is the Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church (750 Hinton Avenue, 104-5082-0114), occupying the north half of the original Belmont Mansion block (Block 12). The first church building at this site was constructed in 1909, then was renovated in 1948 and 1958 to its present configuration and appearance executed in the Gothic Revival style. Stylistic elements on the brick church include buttresses, large expanses of tracery windows, pointed arched openings, gable-roofed end parapet walls, and the arched loggia across the front of the church.

Renovation/New Addition

Construction of a new building began in 1947 but work was discontinued during the weather. The church held a fund drive in 1948 to raise $10,000 to finish construction. [2]


In 2019, the church submitted a rezoning application to change the district from the low density R-1S to Neighborhood Commercial Corridor. This would clear the way for the construction of 15 apartments on the property. The item was originally scheduled to go before the Charlottesville Planning Commission in May 2019 but the item was deferred until the June 11, 2019 meeting. The group recommended approval on a 6-0 vote. [3] City Council had its first reading on July 1, 2019. [4] [5] The item received favor from Council and will be posted on the next agenda. [6]



  1. Web. Belmont - A History of a Neighborhood, James H. Buck Jr., Paper for James Kinard's Local History course, May 1980, retrieved July 28, 2014.
  2. Web. Hinton Avenue Church to Raise $10,000, Staff Reports, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, March 30, 1948, retrieved December 23, 2016 from University of Virginia Library. Print. March 30, 1948 page 2.
  3. Web. Planning Commission Greenlights Proposed Housing Development in Belmont, Annie Schroeder, News Article, WVIR NBC29, June 11, 2019, retrieved June 18, 2019.
  4. Web. Belmont church's proposed apartment complex headed for City Council review, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, June 27, 2019, retrieved July 6, 2019.
  5. Web. Council holds public hearing on Hinton Avenue rezoning, Brianna Hamblin, News Article, CBS19, July 2, 2019, retrieved July 7, 2019.
  6. Web. Hinton Avenue rezoning clears first reading, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, July 3, 2019, retrieved July 6, 2019.
  7. Web. Local Leaders Await Clearing of Court Rule on Bible Classes, Staff Reports, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, March 10, 1948, retrieved December 11, 2016 from University of Virginia Library.

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