F.X. Browne

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F.X. Browne, Incorporated is a Pennsylvania-based water resources management company with over 30 years of experience in working with lakes, reservoirs and watersheds. They began operations in central Virginia by developing a watershed management plan for the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. They were one of two finalists considered to conduct a dredging feasibility study of the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir[1]. HDR Engineering was chosen instead.

External links

F.X. Browne's website


  1. Tubbs, Sean J. "RWSA dredging committee interviews two firms; selection to come Wednesday." Weblog post. Charlottesville Tomorrow News Center. Charlottesville Tomorrow, 4 Aug. 2009. Web. 4 Aug. 2009. <http://cvilletomorrow.typepad.com/charlottesville_tomorrow_/2009/08/dredging_interviews.html>.