Charlottesville City Council (1948-1950)

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The two-year term of the Charlottesville City Council (1948-1950) ran from September 1, 1948 to August 31, 1950. The 1948 election resulted in three new members to the council; Strother F. Hamm (D) replaced J. Emmett Gleason; Henry A. Haden (D) replaced Charles P. Nash (D); and in an upset vote, James M. Barr III (IR) replaced Fred L. Watson (D). The two members of the council whose terms did not expire this year were Roscoe S. Adams (D) and Gus K. Tebell (D). City Manager: James E. Bowen; City Attorney: John S. Battle, Jr.

June 20, 1949 Meeting

A move to give Charlottesville its first Negro school board member was defeated by City Council by a four-to-one ballot. The city lawmakers went on to name Dr. Charles Frankel and Homer W. Walsh to new terms on the school body. According to the Daily Progress, "James M. Barr III, independent Republican member of Council elected in an upset vote last June, place the name of Dr. J. A. Jackson, Negro dentist, in nomination for a three-year term on the seven-man school board from the city at large."[1]

James M. Barr III, independent Republican member of Council elected in an upset vote last June, place the name of Dr. J. A. Jackson, Negro dentist, in nomination for a three-year term on the seven-man school board from the city at large. “I want to place in nomination the name of a man representing about 25 or 30 per cent of the children here who are segregated and put in separate schools by State law,” Barr declared in advance of Dr. Jackson’s name. “As far as I can find out, there is no record of a person of that race being named to the school board. I feel we need someone to represent them who knows their problems, especially in view of he fact that the city is erecting a joint Negro high school with Albemarle County.”[2]

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  1. Web. Move To Place Negro Member On Body Defeated In Balloting, Daily Progress, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Tuesday June 21, 1949, retrieved March 27, 2023.
  2. Web. Move To Place Negro Member On Body Defeated In Balloting, Daily Progress, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, Tuesday June 21, 1949, retrieved March 27, 2023.

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