Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority

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The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority (CRHA) is a quasi-governmental entity separate from the City of Charlottesville that receives its funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

CRHA does, however, receive federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the City for capital projects and other specific programs.

CRHA is in a partnership with Riverbend Development to redevelop several properties, including Crescent Halls. [1]


The CRHA manages around 376 public housing units in Charlottesville and administers approximately 300 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental units that are supported through federal funding. It has an annual budget of approximately $4.5 million. The agency is also increasingly using funds provided by the City of Charlottesville to purchase housing units across the country, including the Dogwood Housing suite of properties. [2]

Approximately 2,000 people are housed through these subsidy programs. Participants typically pay 30% of their income for rent and HUD pays the rest. While 70% of the public housing households have an annual income under $10,000, 13% have income under $3,000 per year according to the CRHA.

In order to encourage homeownership, the CRHA provides loans through the Housing Opportunities Program to assist families in purchasing homes if they do not qualify for large enough mortgages. Additionally, through their Down Payment & Closing Costs Assistance Program and the Housing Choice Voucher Home Ownership Program the CRHA helps low income families with down payments and closing costs.

Map of CRHA sites


CRHA's existence dates back to a resolution adopted by Charlottesville City Council calling for an April 15, 1954 referendum on creating a housing authority. [3] The vote was close with 1,105 voters approving the authority, and 1,069 voting no. [4]

Over the next few years, surveys were done of houses in the city's Vinegar Hill neighborhood, which was targeted for urban renewal and new infrastructure as part of an effort to keep downtown from deteriorating. [5]

Early development timeline

  • February 1, 1951 – Daily Progress reports a study of the city's sub-standard housing would be given to City Council that month [6]
  • Early 1958 – The CRHA estimated it would cost $1.95 million to redevelop the area. $1.6 million to purchase the land, $200,000 for site improvement and $150,000 for planning and administration. [7]
  • April 21, 1958 – Charlottesville City Council agrees to enter into an agreement with CRHA for terms on how a public housing project would proceed at Vinegar Hill. Such an agreement would be required before the federal government would provide funding. [8] [9]
  • January 1959 – The CRHA began a survey of "substandard" housing to determine the number of affordable housing units it would build. Director George Price told the Daily Progress the survey would be confined to "substandard dwellings occupied by Negro families." Seven African-Americans were hired to do he work and had letters of introduction stating the purpose of their visit. [10]
  • April 1959 – General Assembly passes a bill requiring a voter referendum before a public housing project could go forward. [11]
  • Summer 1959 – CRHA abandons plans to use site on Cherry Avenue and Fifth Street SW [12] Plans to build at South First Street were also abandoned.
  • October 1959 – The federal Urban Renewal Administration approves relocation report but withholds funding due to uncertainty over whether those displaced would be rehoused elsewhere. [7] [13]
  • November 19, 1959 – Junior Chamber of Commerce rejects Vinegar Hill proposal [14]
  • January 18, 1960 – CRHA selects 18-acre site near south end of Ridge Street for 200 black families. The site was to be bounded by Ridge, Hartman's Mill Road and the city's southern boundary with Albemarle County. [11]
  • January 21, 1960 – State Senator Edward O. McCue Jr. introduces legislation for referendum bill in case 1959 struck down as unconstitutional [15]
  • January 27, 1960 – Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchants Association endorse Vinegar Hill redevelopment. [14]
  • May 23, 1961 – Charlottesville holds referendum on whether Cox's Row area of town should become a public housing site[16]
  • January 28, 1960 – Young Men's Business Club endorses resolution supporting activities of CRHA [17]
  • February 13, 1960 – Daily Progress reports that the CRHA hired realtor James M. Marshall to appraise properties in an 18-acre area bounded by West Main Street, Preston Avenue and Fourth Street. The Atlanta based Harland Bartholomew and Associates was retained to assist in final planning. The work was to have included engineering for new streets and utilities. [7]
  • May 23, 1961: Charlottesville holds a referendum on whether Cox's Row area of town should become a public housing site. [18]

In 1978, the CRHA moved its headquarters to the basement of Charlottesville City Hall. [19]

Post Vinegar Hill era

In September 1990, the Charlottesville City Manager still served as the executive director of the CRHA. At a retreat in September of that year, Council decided to separate the position. [20] Soon afrer, Earl Pullen was elevated to the position. [21]

Era before redevelopment timeline


Noah Schwartz was hired as executive director. [citation needed]


Schwarz gave an assessment of his first year in office on July 17, 2006. He pointed out that HUD does not cover the full cost of raising the agency and so it is short by at least $100,000 every year. [22]

In November, the CRHA was notified that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has taken the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program off a list of "troubled" programs. [23]


The CRHA began community meetings on the topic of forthcoming redevelopment.

The agency placed ads seeking a new position of director of redevelopment. The position remained unfilled as the year came to a close. The job was to have helped coordinate the day-to-day activities involved with creating and implementing a master plan. [24]


The CRHA hired a prevention specialist in January 2008 partially funded through a $20,000 grant from the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. Schwartz believed that having a CRHA staff who doesn't work in lease enforcement would be good for the agency as they prepared for redevelopment. [25]

By the end of the year, Schwartz told C-Ville Weekly that he was worn-out and he left the position on December 12. [26]


On March 12, 2009, it was announced that the CRHA will receive around $797,000 from the federal government as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in order to improve and modernize some aging public housing buildings. [27]


In August 2010, the CRHA voted to approve a master plan to shape the future of the city's public housing stock. A final draft is expected to be finished in the spring of 2010. [28]A Residents' Bill of Rights guarantees that no resident will be displaced during the redevelopment process.

In December 2010, the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation awarded CRHA $10,000 for salary support for a resident services coordinator position[29].


On October 3, 2011, City Council was asked to allocate 140,000 in the Charlottesville Housing Fund towards the purchase of two properties in order to redevelop them as part of the CRHA master plan. One is located at 204 8th Street NW and will be purchased for $60,000. The other is 210 8th Street NW and will be purchased for $80,000. Both sales were well under assessment. The ultimate goal is to develop the whole block, even though the city does not own all of it yet. The city cannot directly purchase the properties, but will buy them on behalf of a non-profit. [30] The Charlottesville chapter of Habitat for Humanity holds the deed for the properties.


Residents file suit over utility surcharges

In June 2012, seven residents filed a class action lawsuit in federal court against the CRHA claiming surcharges on utility bills were higher than allowed by law. [31] Their lawsuit was filed with help from the Legal Aid Justice Center and former city councilor John Conover.


In February 2013, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a preliminary report that outlined several area of mismanagement at CRHA. The CRHA responded in March that it would address the issues. Meanwhile, the Public Housing Association of Residents complained that both HUD and CRHA both failed to take tenants rights sufficiently into account. [32]

In response to the HUD report, CRHA sought to increase the minimum rent from $25 to $50 and to increase late fees from $10 to $15. PHAR responded that such moves would be "barbaric." [33]

Later in the year, PHAR became concerned about the potential that CHRA would opt to become a pilot participant in HUD's "Rental Assistance Demonostration" project. That would change the financing structure between HUD and CRHA. [34]




Grant Duffield was hired as executive director and took office in May 2016. [35]

The CRHA Board of Commissioners hired Colonial Webb to service heating and air conditioning in all of its units at a cost of $50,000 a year. [36]



Redevelopment and expansion timeline


Years of talk about redevelopment turned to action as the first approvals began to be granted for various projects.

On January 7, 2019, CRHA entered into a partnership with Riverbend, the Virginia Community Development Corp., Castle Development and the Public Housing Association of Residents. [1]

  • Rehabilitation of Crescent Halls is set to get underway in late 2019, with a price to come forward in December 2019. The estimate is $12.8 million with $1.125 in city taxpyer funding [37]
  • Forty-eight new units are slated to be built at the Levy Avenue site
  • Two phases of development at South First Street proceeded through the city's approval process [38] [37]

A HUD audit released in August found that CRHA could not properly document that it followed procurement procedure when purchasing $728,516 worth of goods and services. [39] [40]

As 2019 ended, the CRHA began a major redevelopment and expansion initiative. [37]

Materials for October 28, 2019 meeting



  • January 5, 2021 6 p.m., the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s safety committee was scheduled to discuss finalizing a policy to govern its use of surveillance cameras before sending it out for public comment. The policy under consideration would apply to all CRHA properties, although not all would get cameras. The CRHA safety committee held several meetings since Dre’Shawn Rayvon McDonald was killed in November 2020. [41]
In 2020, the Police have responded to 14 shots-fired calls on South First Street in 2020, more than 2016 through 2019 combined, according to CPD data, leading to a push for crime enforcement and cameras from residents. CRHA has decided to finalize a policy to govern its use of surveillance cameras before installing them. [42]
  • March 22, 2021 – John Sales announces waitlist for housing choice voucher program will open on March 28 and close April 2. There was a public hearing for the FY22 budget. They also considered alternatives to a security contract. [43]




Capital Improvement Program Allocations (*projected)
Line Item FY18[45] FY19[46] FY20[47] FY21[48] FY22[49] FY23* FY24* FY25* FY26*
Public Housing Redevelopment - (CRHA) $250,000 $500,000 $3,000,000 $1,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000


Charlottesville communities with CRHA-managed public housing include:

Communities in progress


Board of Commissioners

The CRHA is governed by a seven member Board of Commissioners that consists of at least two CRHA residents and one former or current recipient of Section 8 vouchers. The board meets on the fourth Monday of each month in City Council Chambers[50]

Current commissioners

Former commissioners

Director & Staff

Former Executive Directors

Former staff


There have been no meeting materials posted since January 2021 to the CRHA website. Here are some of the ones that have been posted here so the public can access them:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Web. Riverbend and CRHA finalize contract for public housing redevelopment, Emily Hays, News Article, Charlottesville Tomorrow, January 7, 2019, retrieved October 21, 2023.
  2. Web. CHRA closes on purchase of Dogwood Housing and dozens of other June 2023 Charlottesville property transactions, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Town Crier Productions, August 25, 2023, retrieved October 21, 2023.
  3. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, January 18, 1954.
  4. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, May 3, 1954.
  5. Web. Price Says Vinegar Hill Project Will Fail Without Public Support, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 28, 1959 Print. October 28, 1959 page 17.October 28, 2022
  6. Web. Study of Housing Completed, Staff Reports, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, February 1, 1951, retrieved February 1, 2017 from University of Virginia Library. Print. February 1, 1951 page 2.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Print: Vinegar Hill Appraisals Started, Staff Reports, Daily Progress, Lindsay family February 13, 1960, Page .
  8. Web. City Will Be Asked to Agree to Conditions for Housing Project, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, April 18, 1958, retrieved April 21, 2023. Print. April 18, 1958 page 9.
  9. Web. Council Okays Housing Pact; Voting Machines Ordered, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, April 22, 1958, retrieved April 21, 2023. Print. April 22, 1958 page 1.
  10. Print: Authority Begins Citywide Survey of Housing Needs, Staff Reports, Daily Progress, Lindsay family January 9, 1959, Page .
  11. 11.0 11.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named 19600118-DP
  12. Print: New Site Chosen for Housing Units, {{{author}}}, Daily Progress, Lindsay family January 18, 1960, Page 13.
  13. Web. Federal Agency Holds Up Planning for Vinegar Hill, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, October 28, 1959, retrieved October 28, 2022. Print. October 28, 1959 page 17.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Print: Businessmen Endorse Vinegar Hill Project, , Daily Progress, Lindsay family January 5, 1960, Page .
  15. Print: New McCue Housing Bill May Alter City Charter, , Daily Progress, Lindsay family January 22, 1960, Page .
  16. Web. Voting Heavy in Cox's Row Referendum, Staff Reports, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, May 23, 1925, retrieved May 23, 2016 from University of Virginia Library. Print. May 23, 1925 page 1.
  17. Print: Business Club Backs Housing, Staff Reports, Daily Progress, Lindsay family January 29, 1960, Page .
  18. Web. Voting Heavy in Cox's Row Referendum, Staff Reports, Daily Progress Digitized Microfilm, Lindsay family, May 23, 1925, retrieved May 23, 2016 from University of Virginia Library. Print. May 23, 1925 page 1.
  19. Print: Council Okays Bare Minimum, Ray McGrath, Daily Progress, Worrell Newspaper group September 6, 1978, Page .
  20. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, September 22, 1990.
  21. {{Minutes-citycouncil|newid=|when=February 4, 1991|accessdate=October 12, 2020|id=|url=}
  22. Web. Council thanks heaven for Noah Schwartz, Jayson Whitehead, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, July 24, 2006, retrieved February 22, 2016. Print. July 24, 2006 .
  23. Web. CRHA Out of "Troubled" Status, City of Charlottesville, November 29, 2006, retrieved February 22, 2016.
  24. Web. [“Enormous Task” still needs leader “Enormous Task” still needs leader], Scott Weaver, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, January 8, 2008, retrieved February 22, 2016. Print. January 8, 2008 .
  25. Web. Housing authority readies for redevelopment, Scott Weaver, C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, January 22, 2008, retrieved February 22, 2016. Print. January 22, 2008 .
  26. Web. "I am just worn out", C-VILLE Weekly, Portico Publications, October 27 2008, retrieved February 22, 2016. Print. October 27 2008 .
  27. Web. Housing authority awaits stimulus, Rachana Dixit, Daily Progress, Media General, March 13, 2009, retrieved February 20, 2016.
  28. Web. August 2010 Minutes, Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, retrieved June 28, 2012.
  29. Web. More than $500,000 in grants awarded, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, December 15, 2010, retrieved December 15, 2010.
  30. Web. Allocation of Charlottesville Housing Funds Towards the Purchase of Properties on 8th Street and Page St. - $140,000, Kathy McHugh, City of Charlottesville, October 3, 2011, retrieved September 30, 2011.
  31. Web. Charlottesville public housing residents sue over utility surcharges, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, retrieved June 12, 2012.
  32. Web. Housing authority responds to report, Ted Strong, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 25, 2013, retrieved March 27, 2013.
  33. Web. Local housing authority met with opposition over proposed changes, Aaron Richardson, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, April 23, 2013, retrieved April 24, 2013.
  34. Web. CRHA to hold public meeting today on new avenue for funding, Aaron Richardson, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, October 10, 2013, retrieved October 11, 2013.
  35. Web. [ ], retrieved January 2, 2017.
  36. Web. Charlottesville Hires New Firm to Manage Public Housing Maintenance, Nora Neus, December 13, 2016, retrieved December 22, 2016.
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Web. CRHA provides update on public housing redevelopment, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, November 22, 2019, retrieved November 23, 2019. Print. November 22, 2019 page A1.
  38. Web. Planning Commission to hold work session on South First Street redevelopment, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, October 26, 2019, retrieved October 27, 2019. Print. October 27, 2019 page A1.
  39. Web. Report: CRHA can't prove it followed procurement laws on $728K in purchases, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, January 4, 2020, retrieved January 5, 2020. Print. January 5, 2020 page A1.
  40. Web. The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements, Office of Inspector General, Report, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, August 2, 2019, retrieved January 5, 2020.
  41. Web. Louisa County man killed in shooting on South First Street, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, December 27, 2020, retrieved December 27, 2020.
  42. Web. Louisa County man killed in shooting on South First Street, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, December 27, 2020, retrieved December 27, 2020.
  43. Web. March 25, 2021: Public housing board discusses security contract; affordable housing in Albemarle; Carp runs for Council, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Community Engagement, Town Crier Productions, March 25, 2021, retrieved March 25, 2021.
  44. {{cite-infocville|title=Sustainability plan lays out vision for a future with market-rate units on CRHA properties |url= 18, 2023|accessdate=October 11, 2024}
  45. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2017-18, City of Charlottesville, 2017, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  46. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2018-19, City of Charlottesville, 2018, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  47. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2019-20, City of Charlottesville, 2019, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  48. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2020-21, City of Charlottesville, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  49. Web. Operating & Capital Improvement Budget: Fiscal Year 2021-22, City of Charlottesville, 2021, retrieved 2021-10-27.
  50. Web. Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority - Commissioners, City of Charlottesville, retrieved November 3, 2014.
  51. Web. Council appoints two to public housing body, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Town Crier Productions, July 21, 2023, retrieved August 27, 2023.
  52. Web. January 26, 2021: Vacancy on Charlottesville's public housing board; group seeks feedback on glass recycling, Sean Tubbs, Charlottesville Community Engagement, Town Crier Productions, January 26, 2021, retrieved March 18, 2021.
  53. Web. CRHA appoints Glenn-Matthews as interim director, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, February 25, 2020, retrieved February 25, 2020. Print. February 25, 2020 page A1.

External Links

CRHA Website