Barracks Road and Emmet Street improvements

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Barracks Road and Emmet Street improvements


Project Overview

The Barracks Road and Emmet Street improvements project is a Smart Scale-funded project that will build infrastructure improvements, bicycle and pedestrian improvements and improvements to existing transit facilities as well as general intersection upgrades.
Cost $8.6 million
Location Charlottesville
Sponsor Charlottesville
Next meeting TBD

Status Update

Request for proposals

Contact Alexander Ikefuna, NDS Director

The Barracks Road and Emmet Street improvements project is a $8.6 million Smart Scale-funded project that will build infrastructure improvements, bicycle and pedestrian improvements and improvements to existing transit facilities as well as general intersection upgrades.

The project will incorporate improvements to all phases and functionality of the intersection. Right turn lanes will be added to the northbound Emmet Street (Rt29) corridor) and westbound Barracks Road. This will entail relocation of one traffic signal pole and acquisition of right of way.

Along with car-centric improvements, bicycle / pedestrian and transit improvements are proposed. These would include the installation of pedestrian refuge islands across both streets, construction of a multiuse sidewalk along Emmet Street and connecting to a planned, future trail network that extends down Meadowbrook Road. There is currently a bus stop within the functional area of the intersection that will be upgraded to include a bus stop shelter. [1]

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Steering Committee


  1. Web. Charlottesville project submissions for House Bill 2 (HB2/ SMART Scale), and Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Transportation Funding, Tony Edwards and Amanda Poncy, Staff Report, City of Charlottesville, September 6, 2016, retrieved November 8, 2019.
  2. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, September 6, 2016.
  3. Web. Public Open House Notice – November 20, 2019, retrieved November 8, 2019.
  4. Web. Open house shows the proposed future of Barracks Road, Brianna Hamblin, News Article, CBS19, November 21, 2019, retrieved November 24, 2019.
  5. Web. Planners back proposed Emmet-Barracks improvements, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, February 12, 2020, retrieved February 16, 2020. Print. February 12, 2020 page A9.
  6. Web. Divided City Council sends affordable housing proposal to Planning Commission, Nolan Stout, Daily Progress, Lee Enterprises, March 3, 2020, retrieved March 7, 2020. Print. March 4, 2020 page A1.
  7. Web. About Page, retrieved November 8, 2019.

External Links