Alpha Chi Omega (Zeta Lambda Chapter)

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Alpha Chi Omega's (also known as A-Chi-O or Alpha Chi) Zeta Lambda chapter is located at the University of Virginia at 158 Madison Lane and was established in 1980. Alpha Chi Omega's colors are scarlet red and olive green and the flower is a red carnation. The sorority symbol is the lyre, a three-stringed harp. The sorority's philanthropy is to support the Shelter for Help in Emergency. The current President is Anne Kumashiro.[1]

Notable Alumnae

  • Deidre Downs - 2005 Miss America winner[2]


  1. Web. Alpha Chi Omega UVA Exec, Instagram, February 3, 2024, retrieved July 1, 2024.
  2. "Alpha Chi Omega." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 14 Aug. 2009. <>.

External Links

ISC Chapter Website
National Alpha Chi Omega Website