Albemarle and Charlottesville boundary disputes

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Under the terms of the 1982 Revenue Sharing Agreement between the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, unilateral annexation efforts by the city are prohibited in exchange for a share of the county's revenue. Over the years, the city of Charlottesville and Albemarle County have had many disputes over boundaries;

  • In the late 1990's, there was also talk of a City-County reversion to shift the independent city of Charlottesville to "town " statue, that effort concluded in late 1999.[1]
  • A referendum was held on March 3, 1970 on the issue of merging the city and county into one entity. However, it was defeated 2 to 1 by city voters and 4 to 1 by county voters. The next year the city drew up plans to annex 11.3 square miles of county land. In September a judge would deny the petition. In 1972, the city asked for 12.1 square miles but were again denied.[2]

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  1. Web. Charlottesville City Council meeting minutes, .pdf, Council Chambers, City of Charlottesville, 20 Dec. 1999.
  2. Print: The Seventies: Central Virginia Ends Decade of Joy and Tragedy, Doug Kamholz, Daily Progress, Worrell Newspaper group January 1, 1980, Page A1.
  3. {Web. [ ]|title=Mr. Rinehart Chairman of County Board|url= |work=Daily Progress Digitzed Microfilm|publisher=University of Virginia Library|location=|publishdate=January 6, 1920|accessdate=June 28, 2015}}