Virginia House 58th district

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The 58th District of the Virginia General Assembly represents portions of Albemarle County as well as parts of Fluvanna, Greene, Orange and Rickingham Counties. The district was used for elections from 2011 to 2021 and is now defunct.

Virginia's fifty-eighth state house district is represented Rob Bell (Republican).

As of the 2010 census (HB 5005 Passed 4/28/11), a total population of 80,767 resided within Virginia's fifty-eighth state house district.[1]

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District Description

The General Assembly is a bicameral body consisting of a lower house, the Virginia House of Delegates, with 100 members, and an upper house, the Senate of Virginia, with 40 members. Combined together, the General Assembly consists of 140 elected representatives from an equal number of constituent districts across the commonwealth. The Virginia House of Delegates District 58 represents portions of Albemarle County as well as parts of Fluvanna, Greene, Orange and Rickingham Counties.


Redistricting takes place every 10 years after completion of the United States Census. (Virginia law ties the drawing of congressional and state legislative lines to the Census). District lines were last drawn in 2011. Up until 2020, Virginia's congressional and state legislative lines are drawn by the state legislature, as a regular statute, subject to gubernatorial veto. If the General Assembly cannot agree on a plan, a federal or state court may draw the lines. The process has now been replaced by a law establishing a Virginia Redistricting Commission. [2]

"The Epic Virginia Redistricting of 2011" is a saga reminiscent of those never-ending novels we read in high school. Think "An American Tragedy," "War and Peace" and "Great Expectations." You want to reach the end, but each page turned seemingly leaves you in quicksand. It's a type of literary purgatory; Kafka would be proud.[3]

District Map (as of April 2011): 58th House District, Counties of Albemarle (part), Fluvanna (part), Greene, and Rockingham (part)
District Map (as of April 2011): 58th House District (57th House District also shown on map)
