405 Avon Street

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405 Avon Street is located at the corner of Avon Street and Levy Avenue - adjacent to 405 Levy Avenue.

The City of Charlottesville purchased the property on February 28, 2024 from the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority using federal American Rescue Plan Act funding. A staff report in January suggested the purchase would be to develop a housing shelter, but City Manager Sam Sanders reiterated that was not a guarantee. [1] [2]

405 Avon Street
Type R-1S (low-density residential, small lot)
Lot Size 0.2490
Non-Residential State Code: 7.3 Exempt Local
Development Firm Charlottesville Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Date Approved c. 2010

Base information


Legal description

City of Charlottesville, Lots 12-14 Bk 4 Belmont Subdivision

Adjacent properties

Occupant History

  • Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority maintenance department
  • Charlottesville Community Bikes
  • Belmont Auto Car, Inc. (c. 2006)
  • Donnie Walker's Amco (c. 1980)
  • Norman's Golf Service Station (c. 1960)
  • Residential (prior to 1955)

Ownership History

Date of Sale: Sale Price: Owner Name: Book:
9/24/2010 $600,000.00 CIT SMALL BUSINESS LENDING CORP 2010:3578
4/24/2006 $850,000.00 BELMONT AUTO CARE INC 1079:147
7/22/2003 $430,000.00 WALKER, JAMES W, II 922:675
7/22/2003 $0.00 WALKER, JAMES W, II & TRACEY H 922:678
5/29/1998 $342,016.00 AVON, STREET LLC 722:231
10/14/1994 $0.00 THOMAS, KENNETH WAYNE 641:75
9/29/1993 $275,000.00 THOMAS, KENNETH WAYNE 0:00
Source: https://gisweb.charlottesville.org/GisViewer/
  • Slaughter W. Fincklin (1847)
  • Belmont Land Co. and Charlottesville Land Co.


  1. Web. Council to appropriate $21M surplus, consider purchase of land from CRHA at Avon/Levy, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Town Crier Productions, January 16, 2024, retrieved August 28, 2024.
  2. Web. February 2024: Single family house on 10th Street NW sells for $625K and 31 other Charlottesville transaction, Sean Tubbs, News Article, Town Crier Productions, March 20, 2024, retrieved August 28, 2024.

External Links