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- The population of Charlottesville was for the first time taken separately from that of the county in 1870, its numbers were 2,838.
- Sidewalks made entirely of wooden boards were laid along the main streets of the city. Stepping-stones at street crossings connected the sidewalks to the road, keeping shoes clean and ladies’ skirts from dragging in the muck and manure of the dirt road.
- January 26 – The act readmitting Virginia to the Union and its representatives into Congress was signed by President Ulysses S. Grant. This ended the era of Reconstruction in the state of Virginia.
- February 17 – At the meeting of the Council of the Town of Charlottesville, “the application of John Wood to pay the bond of the burial expenses of his former slave was rejected.”
- March 11 – Appointed Mayor T. W. Savage called a meeting of the Council to take into consideration the means to be taken in order to prevent the spread of Small Pox in the Town. A strict Small Pox quarantine was imposed. On a motion, Dr. J. E. Chancellor was allowed ten dollars a day for each days attendance upon Mr. Roeburn who has the Small Pox. ($10 in 1870 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $230 in 2023.)
- March 25 – At the meeting of the newly appointed Council of the Town of Charlottesville, held in the National Bank, this evening the following members were present: Dr. John Thornley, J. W. Lipop, Dr. W. C. N. Randolph, T. F. Wingfield and A. P. Abell. Dr. Thornley previously served on the board under Mayor Savage. The Commission from the Governor, G. C. Walker having named these members as duly qualified. The Board elected A. P. Abell Chairman of the Board, and N. H. Massie Mayor.
- March 26 – R. F. Harris was qualified as a member of the Town of Charlottesville's Board of Aldermen.
- March 31 – The Board of Aldermen met in the National Bank this afternoon at 5 o’clock, present: Dr. John Thornley, A. P. Abell, J. W. Lipop, T. F. Wingfield, W. C. N. Randolph, R. F. Harris, and N. H. Massie. N. H. Massie qualified as mayor. The Board call a public meeting at the Court House on Thursday evening, 7th April 1870, at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of “nominating some suitable person to fill the Mayor’s office". N. B. Massie, A. P. Abell, and John Thornley were appointed to attend to “the wants of the poor of the town.”
- April 7 – A public meeting at the Court House was called for this Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of “nominating some suitable person to fill the Mayor’s office."
- April 16 – The Board of Aldermen for the town of Charlottesville met this afternoon at 5 o’clock in the National Bank, present: Board elected Mayor N. H. Massie; Board members Dr. John Thornley, A. P. Abell, J. W. Lipop, T. F. Wingfield, W. C. N. Randolph and R. F. Harris. Mayor Massie read a communication for Dr. Chancellor, and on a motion the Small-pox quarantine was removed, and the sergeant, under the direction of Dr. Thornley, was ordered to destroy such property as might be necessary to promote the spread of the disease. N. H. Massie offered his resigned as mayor, which was accepted. On motion, C. L. Fowler was then elected by the Board to serve as mayor until the next town election could be held. Dr. Randolph was appointed to inform Mr. Fowler of his election.
- April 16 – A. P. Abell was named chairman of the Board of Aldermen and N. H. Massie was named mayor by the councilmen who were Dr. James Thornley, J. W. Lipops, Dr. W. C. N. Randolph and T. F. Wingfield. (Dr. Thornley also served on the board under Savage and was the only holdover.)
- May 26 – Thursday, in the first municipal election held in the Town of Charlottesville after the "late war," the Corporation of Charlottesville held a town election for the mayor and the new Board of Aldermen of the Corporation of Charlottesville. William L Cochran defeated T. W. Savage with a vote of 271 to 215 for the office of mayor.
- July - John H. Salmon was brought to trial in the County Court for the alleged murders of his mother and brother.
- July 4 – Monday, the newly elected Board of Aldermen of the Corporate Court of Charlottesville, consisting of Dr. W. C. N. Randolph, Dr. Jason Norris. R. F. Harris, B. Obordoffer, S. Clomer, and Col. Bennet Taylor assembled in the mayor's office for the purpose of organizing the Board in conformity with the new State Constitution, Laws and Regulations.
- July 4 – In accordance with the General Assembly, the town of Charlottesville was divided into four voting wards.
- September 28 – A tremendous rain-storm commenced early this morning, and continued with unabated violence. In what began near Charlottesville as welcome rain at the end of a drought-plagued summer quickly turned into a torrent downpour as it moved west and then north through the Shenandoah Valley. The Rivanna, James, Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers rose, and flooding washed out fields, farms, bridges, mills, entire villages and towns. [1] Tragically, The Great Virginia Flood of 1870 ended river navigation in Albemarle County forever.[2]
- November 4 – John Henry Salmon, convicted of murder in the first degree in County Court of Albemarle, was to be hung this Friday.
- April 20 – William Peter Dickerson (1870–1943), African-American physician and banker, was born in Keswick, Albemarle County.[3] [4]
- ↑ Web. Disaster Strikes, retrieved June 20, 2023.
- ↑ Web. Hydraulic Mills/Union Ridge Communities, 2023 Ivy Creek Foundation, retrieved June 20, 2023.
- ↑ https://books.google.com/books?id=Wko6P5M3QbAC&pg=PA91&lpg=PA91&dq=1944+births+charlottesville&source=bl&ots=dD5Pce9_um&sig=ACfU3U1UjoPmQ1rt5BnH1_hpceql-NChJw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu_onc0efjAhUy1lkKHfRcDCIQ6AEwEHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=1944%20births%20charlottesville&f=false
- ↑ https://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/dvb/bio.asp?b=Dickerson_William_Peter