1854 election

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The 1854 election for Charlottesville's mayor and four aldermen was held on March 25, 1854.

Pursuance of an act of the Assembly passed the 30th of March 1851, E. George Slaughter sergeant of the Corporation of the Charlottesville County of Albemarle on Saturday March 25, 1854 an election was held at the Court House of Albemarle County for the Election of Mayor and four Aldermen to serve for the ensuing year. Drury Wood: 75 votes for Mayor. R. T. W. Duke 74 votes for Alderman, John B. Dodd 67 votes for Alderman, Andrew J. Brown 66 votes for Alderman, William M. Keblinger 66 votes for Alderman, Wickliffe Hutchinson 10 votes for Alderman.

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